Sunday, November 27, 2011


So how do YOU define "success"?
Do you look at how much money you make?
Do you consider the size of your house?
What about your job?
What about your spouse's job?
Your car?
The people with whom you associate?
The type of vacations you are able to enjoy?

For many, MANY people in America, the above articles ARE the way they measure their own success and that of their peers and family members.
And what do all these items have in common?
They are all different forms of the god: money.
They are all different forms of the tangible world that we live in and have nothing to do with our real home.

I don't consider the attainment of the "things of this world" to be a measure of success.
I don't know that I even consider anything in terms of "success."
Random objects that I own or events that I "achieve", are only due to the grace and goodness of God.
John 5:30 "By myself I can do nothing..."

I consider thoughts, words, and deeds as those things that are important to God. I believe that as He lovingly watches over us, He considers our thoughts, words, and deeds as His "measuring stick."  He watches to see if we took to heart his carefully chosen and specific Words and instructions. Didn't He send Jesus to SHOW us and MODEL for us the upside down, backward way of doing things that HE considers "successful" or praiseworthy. And if it is praiseworthy, then the praise goes to HIM.

   James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above

So as hard as the world pulls me, and as much as people talk, I will continue to keep my eyes on the prize; the reward that is waiting for me in my real home.

Mat 6:19 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.
Mat 6:20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

And as God has shown me over and over, if I keep my eyes on Him and His Kingdom, He promises me that 
    Mt 6:33 all these things will be given to me....

So Father,
with the help of Your Holy Spirit, I will persevere in my goal of making YOU smile.

Your smile is my measuring stick of "success".

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Day in the Life...

So, how do I "label" today? Lots of stuff happened. But then, nothing really happened. A "typical" day, yet how is any day "typical" when each day looks so different in homeschooling.

This isn't Zoe's best pic but the other girls look good. It doesn't matter 'cuz they all had fun with each other on the swing.
Too late to publish more......

Saturday, October 8, 2011

1st Post! And I Learned How To Take Pictures With My Computer!

Well, it's a beautiful Fall afternoon! Crystal clear blue sky, sunny & 70's, leaves hinting at reds and oranges and yellows. So what does that mean for our family? Ballet rehearsals for Christmas performances. And the girls love every minute of it! They are not pining away, wishing that they could be outside. No. In fact, they spent the first part of the day in anticipation of the second part of the day--rehearsal.

So we're in the closed confinement of a climate controlled church, rehearsing and auditioning for key Nutcracker parts.
I don't think any of us would change a thing. Except Bob. My husband. Many Saturdays, he has work committments and so doesn't miss us if we aren't home. But if he is home, and we're not...well, I think he gets kind of lonely.

But because he's the special husband and loving father that he is, he will have a nice dinner waiting for us when we get home.

We couldn't be more blessed!